Sunday, October 26, 2008

One month already

It has already been over a month that Ryan and I have been married. It has gone by so fast. It is still crazy to me some days that he is my husband. We have known each other so long it is some times hard to believe. I decided that since it has been a month I should post some pictures. Ryan and I were married on September 22nd. We were married in San Diego at the North Island Air Station on the beach. Unfortunately we were not able to get married in the temple because we were waiting for my sealing cancellation to go through. We are looking forward to getting sealed to each other in September. Since we could not get married in the temple we got married on the beach, which is something I have always loved.
Ryan's dad lives in San Diego so we got married very close to his house. It was a beautiful day and everything went really well. It was really small, but perfect. Here are some pictures of that day.
My Studly HusbandMy brother, Trent, and MichelleRyan's brother, Nathan, and my sister, Tiffany
My brother, Joey, and my beautiful mother
My wonderful dad and me

Everyone that attended the wedding
Hooray we are married!
The guys
The girls
My family, my aunt and uncle were able to make it! I was really happy they were there. My grandma got sick the week before the wedding and was not able to make it.
Ryan's family
Ryan's brother was not in the picture above so they took this one
Michelle and Kerry were able to make it to Cali. I was so happy they came. Michelle is a good balance for me when I get stressed. Both Kerry and Michelle helped a lot! Thank you guys. We love you.
Ryan's friends

Monday, October 20, 2008

Quirks Tag

Here are the Rules:

1. Link to the person that tagged you

2. Post the rules on your blog

3. Share six non-important things/habits/quirks about yourself

4. Tag six random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs

5. Let each random person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their website.

6. Let your tagger know when your entry is UP.

Ashley tagged me last week and I have been so busy that I am just getting to it.

Here are some non-important things/habits/quirks about me.

1. I am an accountant and by the time I get off work my mind is fried. So most people think that since I am an accountant to ask me math questions (especially basic math questions). This is not true. I have been known to be way off and let me tell you it is not good. However, if you gave me a 10-key I would be spot on.

2. I tend to freak out over nothing. I really did not want to put this, but I have to be honest with myself. I asked Ryan what he thought I should put on this post and this was the FIRST thing he said. I was not going to put it, but then on Saturday we were working at the Halloween store and I put my purse behind the counter and when I got into my purse I noticed my wallet was missing. I instantly thought it was stolen. I asked my dad if he would go to our house and check the front seat of my car and our kitchen table. He looked and said it was not there. So at that point I just KNEW that it was stolen. Well when we got home that night we searched the house and then Ryan went outside to our deck where we ate lunch that day and sure enough it was sitting at the table that we ate lunch at. The sad thing is that this happens quite a bit. I am trying to work on it though. It is something I am not proud of.

3. I love the TV show "Friends". I can not get enough of it and I would watch it everyday if I could. It is my stress relief and a good laugh no matter what kind of mood I am in.

4. I am either cold or hot, usually cold. There is no middle ground with me. This might be the same with a lot of women, but all I know is it is not fun. Since I work in an office I am inside almost all of the summer. So it can be 100+ degrees outside, but I will be in a sweater. People from my work just know that I am weird and do not ask anymore. Luckily there is another girl who works here that has the same problem!

5. I tend to make sure that doors are locked more than two times. I lock the doors to my car over and over. Then after awhile I will go check again. I also check the house door two or three times. I will be laying in bed and wonder if I locked the doors and then get out of bed and check to see if it is locked. Sure enough it is!

6. I have an issue with my eyes. Anyone who has been around me for more than five minutes have probably heard about my issue. I do not know why, but they are super sensitive and they get red over the smallest things. It is something that I am very self-conscious of it. I thought that Lasik was going to take care of it, but it made it worse for a little bit. The doctors say it will get better, but I don't see it. I guess I will just have to give it time.

I tag Chelsea, Kathleen, Jackie, Heidi, Kenz, and Chelsie.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

What a week!

I promise I will put up pictures as soon as I can. I know a lot of people have wanted to see wedding pictures. I will get them up asap. I PROMISE! I have a very good excuse for the lack of posts I have been doing. First off I got married. We had to plan everything and then we were gone for a week on our honeymoon. Second, Ryan's aunt is managing a Halloween store and we told her we could help her. So we work 8-9 hour days at our regular jobs and then go straight there for 4-5 hours. This happens every day but Wed, Thurs, and Sun. So on Wednesdays and Thursdays we are running around trying to do everything that gets neglected all week. Therefore, I have no time to get to the computer. Oh well it will all be over after Halloween.
This week has been quite a week for the Matthews. First off on Monday we found out that Ryan's car (it has been broken since before the wedding) was going to cost $750 to fix a little tiny screw. That is never fun to have an expense hit you like that. Then on Tuesday Ryan was working on a job and he broke his hand. So now he is limited in the amount he can work and he only has one hand while the other one is killing him. That same day the check engine light came on in my car. I almost lost it at that point. However, after we worked at the Halloween store that night the light turned off and it is ok now. (Cross your fingers!) Yesterday we found out there was some fraudulent activity on Ryan's credit card. Luckily we got that figured out after about 2 hours on the phone trying to get the charges off. So we are now walking on egg shells hoping nothing else will happen.
Even though all these trials are happening we are very happy that we have each other to lean on during it all. We are trying to look on the bright side of things and considering the circumstances I would have to say that we are still very positive.
