Sunday, July 19, 2009


This is a really long post. So if you don't read it I will not be offended.

Work has been absolutely crazy! I can not even think straight any more. There have been a lot of changes and there is talk about more change. Exciting, but very tiring at the same time. I will keep everyone posted on how things are going and how the changes have affected me. However, we have been doing really well. One thing that I was so so so happy about was I found out that my sealing cancellation went through! It is an answer to my prayers. I want so badly to be able to be sealed to my love and start a family and have our children be born in the covenant. So this has been an answer to my prayers. We are one step closer and I could not be happier. On top of that we both have been busy. I went to Taylor Swift with my mom and sister. Michelle was there with her mom and sister. So naturally we had to meet up. It was such an awesome concert. I think it has topped all my concerts. Other than Rascal Flatts when I was leaning against the stage, but I think my placement had a lot to do with how much I liked it. Here are a few pictures of that night.

Michelle and Candace

Mom and Sis

Whole gang

She is so innocent and genuine. Well that is what I got out of her. I guess I have not sat down and talked to her face to face. That was the end of May.

Then in June we went to the Air Show. I have never actually gone on base to watch it. So it was quite the experience. Actually, on the way out Ryan kept saying that we really had not made a bad choice since we have been married until that day. He was looking at the crowd after the air show was over and it was a sea of people. It turned out not being very bad. The military knows how to direct traffic very well. Here are a few pictures of that.

July 4th had its challenges. We started off the day thinking we were going to ride our bikes to the North Ogden parade. We started riding them and when we were close to half way Ryan got a flat tire. So we had to walk them back. We ended up going to the parade, but we were kind of bugged with the whole situation. (Since last time we tried to ride them, the other tire went flat) Then when we came home Ryan tried to turn on his laptop and it had died. It would not turn on. It seemed like the hard drive had crashed. So we were really bummed about that because it had been awhile since we had backed up everything. (Luckily, the next day it decided to turn on.) We tried to make the best of it and continue with the plans of going golfing. We went with my brothers, my sister, and her boyfriend. Ryan golfed a good game. Then we lit our own fireworks and watched the fireworks that were up at Weber High.

Trent and Zack
Alex, Tiff, and Jamie
Us trying to be serious in the picture
My dad's work in the parade. My brother was walking by it too.

Ryan's birthday was on July 12th. We went up to Park City for a little getaway. It was a lot of fun. Then we came back and celebrated his birthday with my family.

Eating dinner in Park City
Eric giving Ryan his birthday spanks. I promise they are not gay.
Ryan playing his new game he got for his birthday. If you can see the rock on the ground. It is finally getting on our fireplace! Yay!
Ryan talking to his dad on the phone and wearing his new German pack he got for his birthday.
Tiff, Trent, & Joey gave him this shirt
Ryan is 2! Well he wants to be. The lighting is a little weird in this picture.
Ryan and his mischievous look.

The Kenny Chesney concert was on Thursday. It was a lot of fun, but it was really hot!!! I thought I was going to melt away. It was a lot of fun "When the Sun Goes Down".

The whole crew
The mommies

Yesterday we went boating with the family. It was a lot of fun. I tried knee boarding for the first time. It was quite fun. Just a little easier landing than wake boarding. This is the first time in quite awhile I did not wake board when we went boating. I usually have a good headache after wake boarding so I decided against it this time.

I have no idea what Ryan is doing.
Dad and Joey

My mom and me. I know we look beautiful.
Knee boarding
Ryan trying to get Trent to hold his hand while they jump in. He is trying to get a rise out of Trent. It worked!
Ryan and Trent dancing. Ha ha ha.
Ryan filled his shirt with water. He is such a dork. He makes me laugh.


Kristen said...

I'm so excited for you about your sealing cancellation!!! I bet you are Ryan are so excited to have that taken care of.

Chelsie said...

man you guys have been busy!! yeah for your sealing cancellation! that is great, and i'm so happy for you guys. that pic of 'pregnant' ryan is hilarious!! haha

Mace, McKenzie and Stein said...

It's about freaking time you post! I've been thinking you were pregnant and sick or something :) I am so jealous you went to taylor swift. I love her too

Tara said...

Hey Shambray! It has been forever. It looks like things are going well. We need to get together sometime. Email me when you get the chance -

kendra said...

I'm really really happy for you guys. That's great news about the temple.

I really like your new hair color. I hope I didn't sound weird when I talked to you at Grandmas.

Hope everything goes well with work. You and Ryan are awesome!
